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Look Up and Arise in My Goodness

Look up and arise in My Goodness.
Look up and arise into newness of life in Me and victory.
You speak of My Goodness as something that is arbitrary on My part.
It is freely given to those who seek Me with all their heart, soul, mind and spirit.
It is telling who you trust and run to for help.
You can see the difference in your lives when you do as I say.
You win the prize of knowing Me when you do and pleasing Me by your actions.
Your actions speak of your character and your character is made whole by seeking Me daily and walking through each day with Me.
Truthly, I say to you, no man has ever been wiser and ever put to shame for doing so!
I take care of you tenderly and jealously as you commit your all to Me.
Trust Me with your life so I can fulfill for you all the things I have planned.
Be at peace now and give your praise to Me.
I am able!

©2013 Connie Savageau
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