Blessed Matrimony
Blessed Matrimony, My Bride, Blessed Matrimony.
I give you Myself as your Bridegroom.
A Bridegroom that is spotless, holy and full of virtue.
A Bridegroom who is God joining Himself to a Bride of His choosing.
While you wait upon Me, I transform you into My Likeness.
It is by My Father that you are chosen and called.
Many are called, but few are chosen.
You must choose Me with your whole heart.
You must start now to seek Me for My infilling and purposes.
You cannot do this on your own or apart from Me.
Holiness comes out of this union with Me and Bridal love is bestowed on you!
What is Bridal love?
It is the love given to those who seek Me, find Me and dwell with Me.
I am in them and they in Me.
By this, we become one with you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
My Bride then does My Bidding.
©2011 Connie Savageau